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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

120 days and counting!!

I had an appointment with my weight-loss office yesterday, and I am 7 pounds down which brings me to a total of 41 pounds down! I am super happy about that. I do feel I could have lost more, but I am proud just the same. My nutritionist went over what I am doing and any issues I may be having. I told him my main concern is losing enough weight to be able to get my band put in this year, in case the cost may go up next year depending on my insurance. So he said I am halfway so if by October I am not down the weight needed then he has a strict diet he can put me on which would help me lose 20-30 pounds in a month, he said I would hate it but its an option. Which I said I am willing to put in the work and make this dream a reality. So that would put my surgery in possible November from what he is thinking. So we are testing out taking my calorie intake to 1300-1400 (from 1500) and see if that helps for now, its up to me he said. Crazy to think once banded they usually try and eat 1000, whoa sounds crazy some days I really struggle to stay under 1500.  He also gave me what I consider a huge compliment when I told him how things were going and what I am implementing in my journey and he said he could have me speak at our support group meeting last night as I am doing everything they want me to do. That made me happy. Then I met with my surgeon who I feel I am finally getting to know. I usually don't see him for very long and its all clinical talk unlike with my nutritionist, but this time felt more familiar and friendly. He said I am doing great and he is very impressed. He had mentioned that I am just over halfway there for weight loss, he doesn't look at my weight just my BMI, so he said I would be done with my 6 months of diet supervision in August he said then 3 weeks after that lets get a band in you. Which I could have hugged him for since my nutritionist had me thinking October or later. So felt good he had the confidence in me that I will do this. Plus its his decision whether to operate or not so sounds promising! Its almost July so to think in maybe no more than 2 months I could be having this procedure is pretty exciting in February 6 months sounded like such a long time but its flying by! I did have a few stumbles this month, we took a couple weekends away and food choices weren't as good as I should have. I feel like I portion controlled okay but still made poor food choices. (I still logged everything to keep myself accountable) So now I know if I am going away I need to plan ahead better about where and what I will eat and one treat is fine but not at every meal. I have found when I go out to eat usually I know before hand so I look online to find nutritional facts and decide before I go what I will eat so that helps me from wandering eyes to unhealthy foods. I have been doing well at home with eating and cooking nutritious meals. Lucky for me my family has been so good at loving all the new stuff I am making so that makes me happy. I can post some of my meals and pictures if that would be something anyone would like to see I have found some real gems on Pinterest aka my new bff LOL! :) I have fully upped my gym game too I am so excited and proud of that! Last week I even went 5 days!! That was a huge accomplishment for me! I have noticed too that my workouts are lasting longer, more weight lifting machines and my cardio too. My first day I went I literally struggled to complete 15 minutes on the recumbent bike, and yesterday I did 30 with moderate intensity and it wasn't that bad I was tired but not dying haha. I have been upping the amount of weights I lift too. My husband has started going with me which is fun. So I know I am super fortunate my best friend goes with me during the week and now I score bonus workouts on weekends with my hubby, the gym has turned into some fun time with my loved ones and time to take care of me. I love it! Did I just say that....yep I love the gym! WOW that's crazy to hear myself say but its true. Well that's pretty much all my updates I have for today, as always thank you for reading and being a part of my journey!
