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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting excited!!!

Hello!! :) I had my monthly check-in with my nutritionist and surgeon yesterday. I lost another 10 pounds which puts me down 51 pounds in total!! YAY I am so proud of myself, I would have never thought I could lose that much on my own! They still want me down 30 more pounds before surgery, but if I can lose another 10 pounds this month, then once I am on the preop diet I should lose very quickly like 20 more pounds, we are hoping, so my nutritionist Mike said he will just have me come in a few days before surgery and weigh me in and if I'm am at least within a few pounds of my goal I will be good to go! So next month will be my official end of the 6 months of supervised diet I am required to do, and he said leave 1 1\2-2 hours for my next appointment because it will be my preop appointment!!! I cant believe it, that means I will be scheduled with a date next month!! So I may be having surgery in September-October! Just right around the corner! Wow that was a lot of exclamation points, yikes, but I am just that excited!! lol (oh and he took my official "before" picture for pre surg, I hope I get to be one of the patients with their before and after pics on the wall!!)

This past month had some rough patches for me to be honest. I had a run in with some oreos this month and it wasn't pretty lol Of all the junk I used to eat Oreos were never a fav, so it was so random that is just what I was craving for over a week. So I bought 2 packs, because there were so many good flavors I couldn't decide on one. Haha in case you're wondering they were Reece's and birthday cake flavors, and yes they tasted as magical as they sounded in my head. But I found that I had a really hard time eating they suggested portion, which was 2 cookies, um really?! 2?! So yeah I did have help from my kiddos and hubby but both packs were gone in 2 days :\ I did make myself log all that I ate to keep accountable and have something to look at next time I think that's a good idea. So I made a deal with myself, treats are going to happen its unrealistic to think I will never again have a sweet. So I tried buying the 100 calorie oreo packs, but yeah they taste nothing like oreos good, but not going to kill the craving. So I saw at some gas stations or drug stores they sell a single sleeve of oreos, that way I get the taste but am not tempted to eat an entire pack again! So just need to keep learning and planning ahead.

I know I was so successful this month because I have upped my gym game tremendously! I even did 2 workouts in one day last week!! May not be something I can do at this point every day but I think once a week that would be a good goal. I am maintaining at least 5 workouts a week, which I am happy about. Its only an hour workout and I end up feeling better after so its something I want to work into 6 days a week. I am happy with my routine now, but I do think I could use to learn more about the machines and maybe which ones I should focus on more. But at this point I think any exercise is doing me good so I just hop around on the ones I like. I do 30 mins moderate intensity on the recumbent bike, then 30 mins of machines split between upper and lower body every time. I was even brave enough to get some workouts in alone this past week, I was so nervous but it wasn't so bad I focused and got my work done and got out of there :)

I attended a support group last night put on by my nutritionist Mike and the offices new nutritionist Katy, too. They talked about being more present while eating. Actually assessing through out the meal how hungry am I really am I just eating to finish it all or because I need to eat. Honestly something I have never asked myself before, if its something I enjoy I eat it all because I want to, so I need to learn to ask myself if I need to. The example is when you were a baby you knew you were hungry so you cried, your mother fed you bottle or breast and you stopped eating when you were full, she couldn't make you continue to eat because you knew you were done. So the statement on our handout was "reclaiming that power" and I want to do that, because honestly I don't remember ever being able to. Also ways to choose food so you feel more satisfied, not full. Like have you ever eaten so much yet still feel hungry? I sure have its because your food like say a salad is filling when you eat a lot but you weren't satisfied so you still "feel" hungry. So in plating your food they suggested, choosing 3 foods, a protein, a veggie and a fruit (or dairy), skip the carbs if you can. Then eat little bites of each kind, also varying textures and colors way to excite the eye as well creating a more enjoyable meal. Great tips I thought, let me know if you want to see a handout from our group, I am happy to scan them in if anyone thinks they would be helpful for them :) After group I was walking out with a girl I have made friends with Amy, and then a girl named Katie who I recognized from previous groups a few months back came up to me and told me I looked so different, she wasn't even sure at first if I was the same girl who first showed up to the meetings. What a compliment, just made my whole month to hear that, that its really that noticeable to everyone not just the people close to me. She and Amy also offered me some pants they had lost too much weight to fit into anymore, score!! :)

Well that's my monthly recap, things are going well I am really accepting of this being a life change. This is just the beginning of my journey and I am so hopeful to continue and see what more great things it has in store for me. Thank you as always for reading and your support!! :)


1 comment:

  1. Emily it's like you keep topping yourself! You get better each month! There is no stopping you now . . you are almost to your goal. . .keep going strong!!
